East Driveway Bed

April 28, 2009

As you can see in this picture, we used to have a lot of beautifully blooming Ajuga filling the East driveway bed. An armadillo dug it all up.

To address a problem with dirt eroding down the hill, we had this section rip-rapped, which seems (so far) to have discouraged the armadillo from coming up here to eat. (Continued below.)

May 3, 2009:

In addition to putting Ajuga back in, we also allowed some wild Self-Heal (or "Heal-All") to remain.

In May 2009, added Mixed Columbine.

On June 10, 2009, added Mixed Floxglove (3), Mixed Lungwort (3), Purple Wintercreeper (5).

April 18, 2011

The Foxglove and Lungwort did nothing. Replacement foxglove was planted in the back yard and did little.
The Wintercreeper was pulled up because it is invasive and we didn't want it to take over the yard.
The Columbine came up a little, but doesn't appear to be coming back in 2011.

So we next tried Hellebores, which are evergreen shade plants which do well in most conditions and have flowers which last a long time.

2013: Hellebores have doing great and have been joined since this picture by Ajuga, Self Heal and a few other things.

April 1, 2016: